

HOME > Events > 【オンライン開催】KGAP+ Special Edition ~ポストコロナを世界のイノベーション拠点・スタートアップと考える~(イスラエル②)

【オンライン開催】KGAP+ Special Edition ~ポストコロナを世界のイノベーション拠点・スタートアップと考える~(イスラエル②)2020.07.08

けいはんなリサーチコンプレックス事業から2019年にスタートしたアクセラレーションプログラム「KGAP+ (Keihanna Global Acceleration Program Plus)」では、世界のイノベーション拠点と連携し、対コロナ・ポストコロナにおけるパラダイムシフトを考え、いち早いイノベーション創出に挑戦する国内外のスタートアップを支援する“Special Edition”を実施します。

毎回世界各地のスタートアップや支援機関がオンラインでピッチやプレゼンテーションを行うイベントシリーズの後、ここから選抜されたスタートアップ10社がピッチを行う“KGAP+ Day”を7月29日に開催。KGAP+ Dayはレギュラープログラムのキックオフを兼ね、彼らは10月末までメンタリングやセミナーを受けながら日本企業等とのPoCを目指します。

Special Edition4回目はイスラエルのスタートアップによるピッチ。6月11日に開催した“イスラエル①”を受け、イスラエル・イノベーション庁が推薦する5社(予定)が先端テクノロジーやユニークなサービスを披露します。

*Special Edition全体についてはこちら

開催日時 2020年07月08日(水) 16:00 - 16:45








    1. Solight LTD
      Solight had created a patented, highly efficient daylighting system, providing uniform full spectrum natural light to poorly lit buildings. Creating optimal lighting for human health and wellbeing, while at the same time reducing wasted electricity, for daytime lighting.
      [Sector: Healthcare, Smart city]
    2. Glean Labs Ltd.
      Glean Labs is an automatic employee competency platform for large R&D organizations. By integrating with the customer’s operational and collaboration systems, Glean’s ML algorithms can automatically identify employees’ knowledge, skills, and experience. Glean Labs’ evidence-based insights helps companies transform organizational processes by turning expensive guesswork into data-driven decision-making.
      [Sector: Big data]
    3. SavorEat
      SavorEat develops a new generation of meat alternative products which recreate the unique experience, taste and texture of meat. Our product is a combination of proprietary 3D printing technology, automatic cooking machine and unique plant-based ingredients that allow the creation of a variety of textures and designs that characterize meat.
      [Sector: Supply chain, Food solutions]
    4. Seaerra Vision Ltd
      Seaerra develops innovative AI based solutions, enabling underwater vision by significantly improving visibility, contrast and colors in real-time. SeaErra’s products and solutions are based on patented and proprietary technology in the field of image enhancement and restoration in scattering media. The technology has been proved to substantially improve visibility and contrast of images taken in bad visibility conditions (due to water, haze, sand or fog). Recovery of these images is disruptive since it enables the usage of clear images for human use as well as automatic computer vision methods for recognition, segmentation and tracking. Methods are based on analyzing the physical image formation model and developing algorithms in order to reverse the optical effects of the scattering media. Methods work in real-time and do not require any specialized or external hardware.
      [Sector: IoT, Marine tech, Blue tech]
    5. Siraj technologies Ltd
      Our Automatic Connectivity Generator (ACG) leverages AI to extract meaningful time series data from any incoming data stream, both previously observed and unobserved, comprising different data formats and communication protocols. The collected data is normalized into a unified format that any cloud platform and application can seamlessly process and understand.
      [Sector: IoT, Smart city]
    6. OutSense Diagnostics Ltd.
      OutSense’s game-changing technology transforms the toilet into a non-invasive IoT medical device. Using a small mechanism that clips onto a standard toilet bowl, data is collected automatically and without any user intervention. The patented technology combines a smart optical sensor capable of collecting spatial and spectral information with advanced image analysis algorithms. The sensor and algorithm software communicate over a secured cloud platform, which is compatible with a mobile device application. Using advanced artificial intelligence (AI) tools, the technology analyzes and diagnoses stool and urine and provides a detailed report of the user’s health, as well as notifies of any deviations and abnormalities.
      [Sector: Big data, IoT, Digital health, Healthcare]
    7. Hargol FoodTech
      Hargol FoodTech is the world’s first commercial grasshopper (Inago) farm. Grasshoppers are nature’s most efficient protein source – Healthier for humans and more sustainable to grow. Hargol sells innovative foods and supplements based on grasshoppers’ protein and nutrients.
      [Sector: Food tech, Agri tech]








対象 一般(特に、ポストコロナ、イスラエルのスタートアップとの協業に関心がある方)
申込締切 2020年07月08日 12:00


※参加案内メールは、共催のIsrael Innovation Authorityから発信されます。差出人・件名にご注意ください。

– 株式会社国際電気通信基礎技術研究所(ATR)

– けいはんなリサーチコンプレックス推進協議会

       公益財団法人 関西文化学術研究都市推進機構

  • ■ 共催

    – イスラエル・イノベーション庁

    – 独立行政法人日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)


  • ■ 協力

    – 駐日イスラエル大使館経済部

    – 関西・イスラエルビジネス交流推進連絡会議(近畿経済産業局、西日本イスラエル貿易事務所、大阪商工会議所、関西経済同友会、関西経済連合会、関西文化学術研究都市推進機構、JETRO大阪本部、日本イスラエル商工会議所関西本部、和歌山県)

  • 株式会社国際電気通信基礎技術研究所(ATR) 事業開発室
  • E-mail:bdo-event@atr.jp

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