「KGAP+ (Keihanna Global Acceleration Program Plus)」は、来る11月から2月にBatch 4(第4期)を実施します。
本プログラムは国が選定したスタートアップ・エコシステム グローバル拠点都市「大阪・京都・ひょうご神戸コンソーシアム」の一翼を担うスタートアップ支援プログラムです。日本の大企業との協働でPoCやパイロットテストを行うこと、また、海外展開を目指すことをゴールに、国内外から有望なスタートアップが集まります。
「Israel Challenge」は、イスラエルからの参加候補に用意された舞台。KGAP+のパートナーであるイスラエル・イノベーション庁とチャータードグループの推薦を受けたスタートアップがBatch 4 の座を賭け、イノベーティブな技術・サービスについて熱いピッチを繰り広げます。
*KGAP+ Batch 4についてはこちら
*KGAP+ Batch 3についてはこちら
開催日時 |
2020年11月02日(月) 16:30 - 17:30 |
場所 |
プログラム |
16:30 開会ご挨拶
16:35 ご挨拶
イスラエル・イノベーション庁 Acting VP & Head of International Division Avi Luvton 氏
16:40 KGAP+の紹介
ATR 代表取締役専務・事業開発室長 鈴木 博之
16:50 イスラエルのスタートアップのピッチ
- DiA Imaging Analysis
DiA has developed AI-based ultrasound analysis solutions. The technology imitates the way expert’s human eye detects borders and identifies motion, therefore, allowing clinicians with all levels of experience, to capture the right ultrasound images and automatically identify clinical abnormalities that are otherwise difficult to find visually.
[Sector: Digital Health]
- Hailo Technologies Ltd
AI chipmaker Hailo has developed a world-class AI processor delivering the performance of a data center-class computer straight to edge devices, enabling the smart products of the future in multiple industries including automotive, smart cities, smart homes, retail, industry 4.0, and beyond.
[Sector: Smart City, Smart Retail, Industry 4.0, Smart Home]
- Halo Digital
Our goal is to provide a Digital Manufacturing solution to support the improvement of manufacturing business outcomes, as well as optimization of production processes, by providing “navigation” capabilities to complex production facilities.
By navigation we mean the ability to predict the direction of production processes in terms of relevant target functions, and to provide recommendations on actions to reach the desired outcomes. Once the accuracy of the recommendations is validated, the system can implement autonomous features to reduce human errors, followed by widespread integration with the plant control layers.
- MagniLearn
MagniLearn is an ed-tech company providing schools with an intelligent language learning platform. We leverage advanced AI and NLP algorithms to personalize the student’s English learning experience. Based on linguistics and computer science research we developed a linguistic engine that generates tailor-made online lessons comprised of free-form exercises for each student, based on their proficiency and their school syllabus.
[Sector: Education Technology]
- Rail Vision LTD
Rail Vision (RV) systems improve railway safety, autonomous operation, predictive maintenance and RT/offline visual big data analytics.
Forward looking electro-optic sensors installed on train locomotive detect & classify obstacles and infrastructure objects along rail tracks from safety distance at all weather and light conditions using, artificial intelligence & deep learning.
- Donisi Health
Donisi has developed the only clinically validated, contact-free device designed for cardiac and respiratory assessment. Using nano-vibration motion detection, Donisi’s patented system of sensing technology, AI and proprietary algorithms to detect multiple health indicators – including those key for heart failure prevention – supporting personalized, predictive insights to changes in health status and enabling care providers ongoing monitoring for data driven decision making.
[Sector: Medical]
- CASTOR technologies
CASTOR enables manufacturers to reduce costs, utilizing the benefits of industrial 3D printing. It is an automatic software, where the algorithm analyzes CAD files technically and economically (full Bills of Materials) to identify mechanical parts that suits 3D printing.
[Sector: Supply Chain]
17:25 閉会ご挨拶
参加費 |
対象 |
一般(特に、イスラエルのスタートアップとの協業に関心がある方) |
申込締切 |
2020年11月02日 17:00 |
主催 |
– 株式会社国際電気通信基礎技術研究所(ATR)
– けいはんなリサーチコンプレックス推進協議会

共催など |
事務局 |
- 株式会社国際電気通信基礎技術研究所(ATR) 事業開発室
- E-mail:bdo-event@atr.jp